A healthy 36-year-old woman attended the consultation with complaints of dental mobility and pain while chewing. The patient also complains of bad breath. She wants fixed teeth without artificial gums.
During the initial intra-oral evaluation, the first idea was to redo the 3 maxillary fixed bridges, as the patient was still very young, and the teeth seemed to be acceptable. After reviewing the complementary exams is was determined anatomically impossible for immediate loading. Rehabilitation will be done in two separate surgeries.
The first surgery will be a full maxillary horizontal bone augmentation, double nasal sinus elevation and extraction of the 6 remaining teeth. The patient will use a fully fixed removable prosthesis supported only on the palate.
6 months later, a guided surgery will be planned and executed with the placement of 6 implants with immediate load.
After another 6 months, the definitive hybrid prosthesis will be made.