Augma Biomaterials

Closed Sinus Lift with Augma Bond Apatite

Patient : Male, 60 year old, non-smoker. The extractions of #13 (25) and #14 (26) were realized 5 months before, including bone preservation with Augma Bond Apatite®. The option of…

Second Molar Stabilization Following Wisdom Tooth Extraction with Augma Bond Apatite®

Socket grafting of #48 (32) with Augma Bond Apatite® (x 3) following the root treatment of #47 (31) is realized.

GBR with Augma Bond Apatite

Extraction and grafting of lower left and right molars, followed months later by open sinus lift and immediate implant.

Live Surgery – Extraction & Augmentation

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Live Surgery – Extraction & Augmentation – 0.5 CE

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Prosthetic Preservation, GBR with Bond Apatite

nt is a 72 year old female smoker with poor hygiene,. The treatment plan includes a complete denture in the upper jaw, as well as a complete denture in the…

Lateral Augmentation

The molar is extracted and socket grafting and lateral ridge augmentation are completed with Bond Apatite. Implants are placed 5 months post-op.

Lateral Augmentation with Augma Bond Apatite®

The patient is a 70 year old female with no health problems. Tooth #34 (21) is fractured and must be extracted, and the bridge sliced. Tooth #38 (17) will be…

Wisdom Teeth and Augma Bond Apatite Case Report

The patient was referred by his treating dentist following repeat acute phases. The decision to extract is done with antibiotics and corticosteroid coverage. GBR will be performed during the surgical…

About a Peri-Implantitis

The patient returned for an unscrewing of the crown of #37 (18), which induced an occlusal trauma. This ultimately led to peri-implantitis trauma.

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