Augma Biomaterials

Extreme Mandible All-on-4 with Immediate Load

An 81-year-old woman came to the consultation with complaints of mandibular pain, difficulty in chewing, bad taste and bad breath. The patient had an old mandibular treatment with infected implants…

Sinus & Horizontal Total Maxillary Augmentation

This video shows a full arch rehabilitation with bilateral open sinus lift.

Immediate Implant with Immediate Load in the Aesthetic Zone

A 43-year-old woman came for consultation 3 days after losing tooth #11 (8) due to trauma. The patient has a history of periodontitis and tooth mobility, and she brought her…

Sinus Lift with Immediate Implant Placement

The patient presented with a lack of teeth for chewing in the 2nd quadrant, a destroyed tooth #24 (12) with an apical cyst, and a lack of aesthetics when they…

Live Surgery – Lateral Ridge Augmentation

In this live surgery, Dr. Jose Camelo Ferreira performs a lateral ridge augmentation that is as less traumatic as possible in the fifth sextant of the mandible to able us to…

Apicoectomy of the First Right Premolar – 1CE

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Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation with Immediate Implants

Symptomatic implant infection #14 (5), a lack of teeth for chewing, tooth mobility and a marked lack of soft/hard tissue in the edentulous area.

Apicoectomy in Aesthetic Zone with Bond Apatite®

The patient presented with swelling and pain in the apical area of ​​teeth #21 (9) and #22 (10). Additional exams confirmed an apical lesion in both teeth.

Immediate Implants in the Aesthetic Zone with Horizontal Bone Reconstruction

The patient presents a total failure of an old bridge between teeth #21 (9) and #23 (11) with high horizontal/vertical mobility and marked absorption of the buccal bone plate in…

Immediate Implant with Immediate Load

The patient presented with a crown fracture on the tooth #24 (12). The tooth was extracted and socket grafting was completed with Bond Apatite. A temporary crown was used during…

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