Augma Biomaterials

Large Central Ossifying Fibroma of the Anterior Mandible

Root resection was completed with backfill of the root canals with MTA in teeth #32 (23), 31 (24), 41 (25), 42 (26). The tumor was removed with peripheral bone curettage…

Complications in Endo Treatment – Root Canal Perforation #35 (20)

A revision was performed on the area of #35 (20), with removal of inflammation. This was confirmed in histopathology as an inflammatory cyst found in the perforation and prepared and…

Little Cyst #21 (9)

The endodontists are afraid of doing re-endo in tooth #21 (9), because the root canal was filled with phosphate endo cement. It was dangerous to go through the canal with…

Fracture of Root #46 (30) with Augmentation

The patient is a healthy male, age 49 years. The tooth #46 (30) was broken after an accident with an electric bike. In addition, the patient had undergone an apicoectomy…

Little Cyst #36 (19)

Root resection was performed on both roots of tooth #36 (19), with cyst enucleation (including a histopathology examination) and back fill of all the root canals with MTA. The bone…

Treatment of an ossifying fibroma of the mandible with endodontic microsurgery and grafting with a biphasic calcium sulfate material: a case report

A significant percentage of lesions of endodontic origin require surgical management due to the possible diagnosis of odontogenic cysts and tumors in the maxilla and mandible. Ossifying fibroma is a…

Cyst #15 (4)

The patient is a healthy, 46-year-old female. In the area of tooth #15 (4) there was an inflammatory lesion that presented with pain and another clinical symptoms. The tooth had…

Osteoid Osteoma of the Mandible, Lateral Right Side

The tumor was removed. The structure was similar to spongy bone but much softer, with mechanical peripheral bone curettage around the defect up to 1mm. The root of #44 (28)…

Osteoid Osteoma in the Front of the Mandible

The tumor was removed with peripheral bone curettage to about 1 millimeter deep. The biological structure of the tumor was similar to spongy bone but a little harder. The bone…

Removal of Two Small Cysts with Apicoectomy and 4 Year Follow Up

The patient presented with two small cysts. Root resection was performed along with cyst enucleation . The defect was filled with Augma Bond Apatite. 2-year follow-up showed good remodeling of…

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