The patient is a Female, 38 years old and non smoker. She had an edentulous area for more than 10 years. The height of the under sinus bone: #15 (4) was 8 mm and #16 (3) was 4 mm. We must complete a sinus lift with partial filling (Summers’ approach).
Summers approach with Biphasic Calcium Sulfate.
The Summers technique is a way to give to the professional the under sinus bone thickness needed to perform an implant placement. Others options are short implants or sinus lift with lateral approach.
In this surgery, the sinus bone must be, at least, 3-4mm thick to stabilize the implant. This sinus approach and the implant placement are realized in the same surgical step. Without any heavy postoperative suits.
We know that the Biphasic Calcium Sulfate is entirely replaced by a bio active bone after socket grafting or lateral augmentation. Using Augma Bond Apatite in such technique imposes a new protocol which is detailed in the presentation. The cement, crushed into pieces, is hard enough to repeal the Schneider’s membrane and soft enough to surround the implant and will be fully replaced by a true new bone during the osseointegration time.