The patient is a healthy 64-year-old woman, who attended the consultation complaining about an old maxillary rehabilitation and discomfort with her general teeth aesthetics.
She had an old mandibular removable partial prothesis and 8 remaining teeth, most of them with big unesthetic reconstructions and a type III occlusion positioning. The patient also wanted a fixed solution for the mandible and to improve her smile.
New maxillary hybrid prothesis made at the same time as the mandible temporary hybrid to enable correction of the type III bite.
1 month later, surgery with the extraction of all mandible teeth, regularization of the bony platform, placement of 5 implants, socket grafting and immediate load. The final Procera hybrid maxillary prothesis is placed just before placing the temporary hybrid on the mandible.
4 months later, the final mandible Procera hybrid prosthesis is made.