The patient is a healthy, 47-year-old man. The root of the tooth was horizontal broken because of trauma during a bicycle accident. There was no possibility of prosthetic restoration.
3 weeks after the accident he felt strong pain, discomfort and mobility of tooth #21 (9). The root was extracted, after which vertical damage of the external cortical lamina was confirmed in area of #21 (9). The damage was about 10 mm!
The bone defect was filled with Bond Apatite® (1 cc). The provisional was created incorrectly by the technician. During the one week that it was fixed it caused the mucosa to disappear. If a different material was used, such as bovine granules, the soft tissue would have opened and caused an infection.
A corrected provisional was fixed one week later. 5 months later an implant was placed in #21 (9), in new bone with a width of alveolar ridge about 6 mm! A standard intraosseous implant was inserted (3.5/11.5 mm) with healing screw at the same time. Prosthetic restoration was done 3 months later. During the 18 month follow-up appointment there was no inflammation around bone and mucosa of tooth #21 (9).