The patient presented as a walk-in to the Emergency Room due to a loose crown. There was a noted coronal fracture, and the scan revealed an apical third fracture as well. The magnetic mallet is used to aid in atraumatic extraction.
There was a 5 mm buccal plate dehiscence pre-op. The apical portion stayed in the maxilla, and a pilot drill was used to drill straight through the roof until the root obturation material was eliminated.
A new pilot osteotomy was started in a more palatal direction. Once there was no more buccal dentin, there is a switch to Osseo densification mode to avoid buccal plate penetration or nasopalatine canal involvement. The defect was grafted with Augma Bond Apatite® then immediately revealed the osteotomy by running the bur in reverses at 50 rpm without irrigation. The implant is then placed, and the position was scanned. The healing abutment is then put in place and more Bond Apatite® was placed before covering with Augma Shield™.