- 33-year-old male, otherwise healthy, heavy smoker. He was referred due to multiple cysts in the maxilla and mandible.
- He was referred also to an ENT due to suspected sinus polyps / mucocele in the left maxillary sinus. The ENT advised to re-evaluate the situation after oral surgical treatment.
- Under general anesthesia: the patient underwent multiple extractions, cyst enucleations and bone augmentation utilizing Augma Bond Apatite®.
- Histopathologic findings in all cysts were concurrent with Infected Radicular Cysts.
- 5 months later, adequate bone volume and ridge reconstruction were achieved.
- The patient was referred back to his general practitioner with a recommendation for a sinus lift to further augment the posterior maxilla.
- *** Bone augmentation with Augma Bond Apatite® was also performed in the mandible however no clinical photos are available.