The patient is a healthy, 42 year old male. The cyst appeared after many years of endodontic treatment in area of #13 (6) and prosthetic treatment in the area of #12 (7) – #15 (4).
The first clinical symptom was a swollen abscess. 6 weeks after the abscess incision, we did a one step endo-surgery treatment with a root resection of tooth #13 (6), cyst enucleation (with histopathology examination) and backfill of the root canal with MTA.
In addition, we performed a microsurgery because of little changes around root #22 (10), which included an apicoectomy, backfill and graft with Bond Apatite®. The bone defect was filled with Bond Apatite® (2 cc).
There was a complication due to a broken microsurgery tip used in preparation of the root canal, which was left inside the right sinus.
Good healing and no clinical symptoms were observed during the
2 year follow-up period. Moreover, no sinus inflammation was observed.