Augma Biomaterials

Large Cyst of the Front Right Maxilla

The patient is a 65 year old female with multiple health conditions (diabetes, post heart infarct with PCI – percutaneous coronary intervention, hypertonic pressure, atrial fibrillation including the  chronic use…

Augma Lift™ Surgery

This video demonstrates the use of Augma Lift™ in cases with a ridge height of less than 4mm. In this surgery the osteotomy, sinus elevation and augmentation are performed.

Augmentation and Implant Placement using Augma Lift™

This video demonstrates the use of Augma Lift™ in cases of 4mm or more, where the osteotomy, sinus elevation, augmentation and implant placement are done in one surgery. 

Augma Lift™ Film

Sinus lift with immediate implant placement using Augma Lift™ and Augma Bond Apatite®.

Immediate Hybrid, Thin Mandible, Implants & Augma

The patient is an 89-year-old female, ASA III. She presented with an unstable lower denture and pain on mastication. She has an atrophic mandible. Part one was to place interforamina…

Implants and Grafts

Extractions took place almost a year before implants. Non subtractive osteotomy / osseodensification was done with Versah. Bond Apatite® was used for lateral augmentation and Augma Shield™ protected the maximal…

Immediate Implants of the 2 Upper Central Incisors with Immediate Load

The treatment plan includes the extraction of both teeth, the immediate placement of 2 implants using a surgical guide for the start drill, and an alveolar bone graft. Immediate loading…

Right Max Lateral PET, Augma and Implant

The patient presented with a broken, right, maxillary lateral. The treatment plan included socket shield, augmentation with Bond Apatite® and immediate implant. The patient is aware of other issues but…

Maxillary Rehabilitation with Immediate All-on-4

The treatment plan included the extraction of all teeth and maxillary implants with regularization of the bone platform. Placing 4 implants followed by alveolar bone graft of the entire jaw.…

Extraction, Augma and Implants

A new pilot osteotomy was started in a more palatal direction. Once there was no more buccal dentin, there is a switch to Osseo densification mode to avoid buccal plate…

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