Augma Biomaterials

Full Arch Reconstruction – Live Surgery Video

This live surgery video includes extractions, immediate implant placement, augmentation and a bilateral sinus lift with with Bond Apatite®. The Augma Shield™ is placed above the sutures to improve healing.

Complex Rehabilitation

The patient is a 66 year old, healthy, non-smoking female. Edentulous atrophic maxilla, in the lower jaw, atrophied bone on the right and lost tooth #44 (28) with a fractured…

Fracture of Root #13 (6) Immediate Implant Placement with Bond Apatite®

The patient is a healthy female, 59 years old. The root of tooth #13 (6) broke without any reason. Prosthetic restoration was not possible.  The patient feels pain and discomfort.…

Socket Filling and Vestibular Augmentation

In this case Bond Apatite is used for socket grafting after extraction, and lateral augmentation. The socket is covered with the Augma Shield to protect the material during the initial…

Single Implant Post Extraction in the Aesthetic Zone

The patient is a healthy, 67 year old female who presented with a root fracture of tooth #13 (6). The patient complained of dissatisfaction with the color of the tooth,…

Implant Removal & Bilateral Zygoma

a case of severe bone loss around failed implants, that served for about 15 years and were recently grouped together with a metal bar in order to support an upper…

Bi-Maxillary Rehabilitation with Immediate Load

The patient had no maxillary teeth and very few teeth left in the mandible. The patient also had a large periodontal lesion on tooth #48 (32). The patient had a…

Failing Teeth, Extraction and Implants

The patient presented with a failed bridge, and has a history of IV bisphosphonate and extractions were completed without flaps. Socket grafting and immediate implants were placed, and the socket…

Maxilla and Mandible Total Rehabilitation

The patient wants to be able to eat and laugh for the first time in many years, and to raise her self-esteem. She also wants to stop using the old,…

Ridge Reconstruction Following Implant and Teeth Removal, Using Bond Apatite®

Intra oral images showing failed bridge in an otherwise healthy 60 year old male. Referred to the surgeon due to recurrent inflammation and discomfort in the upper right maxilla. Periimplantitis…

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