In the case the patient presents with failing centrals, massive cysts and a high smile line. No papillary incisions were done so as to avoid scarring in the smile line.…

The patient fractured her left maxillary canine. Due to the crowns on the medial and large restoration on the distal, the patient initially contemplated a bridge. They refused root banking.…

In this case the patient was gluing in her teeth and wanted a new smile. She had massive cysts and minimal bone. With the help of Augma Bond Apatite® we…

The patient is a healthy, 61-year-old woman who attended the consultation complaining about the lack of aesthetics of her smile and difficulties in chewing properly. The patient had only 6 maxillary…

Here is a case where a patient was missing anterior maxillary teeth and had minimal posterior bone. We were able to place implants anteriorly in the Palatal position and in…

The patient presented with a failing restoration of the upper jaw. This included failing root canals, failing crown and bridge and most importantly, failing blade implants. Restoring a case like…

The patient presented with poorly positioned implants in the area of teeth #13 (6), #12 (7), #22 (10) and #23 (11). He had minimal to no tissue around the implants.…

The patient presented with compromised teeth and a situation unfavorable for a conventional All-on-4 full arch restoration.

The patient is a healthy 62-year-old woman. She attended the consultation with complaints of pain and edema in the right, posterior maxilla. The patient complained of pain while chewing, a…

The first surgery will be a full maxillary horizontal bone augmentation, double nasal sinus elevation and extraction of the 6 remaining teeth. The patient will use a fully fixed removable…