Augma Biomaterials

Maxillar Rehabilitation with Quad Zygoma Technique

The patient presented with difficulties in chewing and problems with self esteem. She no longer wanted to use a removable prosthesis and had severe maxillar atrophy.

Zygomatic Implants & Bond Apatite Grafting

Quad -Zygoma using Extra Maxillary Approach in conjunction to Bond Apatite®, reducing trauma and avoiding complications on Full Arch clinical cases.

Horizontal Bone Augmentation – Immediate Implant Placement

The patient presents with an absence of tooth #24 (12), with a loss of bone thickness. Augmentation is done with immediate implant placement.

Horizontal Bone Augmentation – Immediate Implant Placement

The patient presents with a symptomatic cyst with an active fistula on the area of #21 (9) & #22 (10) and an absence of tooth #24 (12) with major bone…

Zygomatic Surgery with Bone Augmentation and Immediate Load

The patient presented with reduced dimension of the vertical bone after using a removable prosthesis for 20 years. The treatment plan included 2 retro-molar implants, 2 zygomatic implants and 4…

Bond Apatite® Augmentation and Immediate Loading

This video shows extractions, immediate placement and augmentation with bone cements.

Ridge Reconstruction and Implant Placement with Augma Bond Apatite®

Extractions and ridge reconstruction of the maxilla with immediate implant placement.

Maxilla Rehabilitation with Bone Augmentation and Immediate Load

The patient came with aesthetical problems, difficulty with chewing and failure of most of his remaining teeth. The treatment plan involved complete maxillary teeth extraction, 7 immediate implants, bone grafting…

Mobility of Old Bridges in the Anterior Maxillary

A patient came to the office complaining of the mobility of the old bridges, located in the anterior maxillary segment. With Bond Apatite we were able to fill gaps and…

Closed Sinus Lift With Bond Apatite | VIDEO

Intra Crestal (closed) sinus lift with immediate implant placement and Bond Apatite.

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