The patient presents a total failure of an old bridge between teeth #21 (9) and #23 (11) with high horizontal/vertical mobility and marked absorption of the buccal bone plate in…

Video of Dr. Baranes performing an intra-crestal (closed) sinus lift with immediate implant placement.

(11), #24 (12), and #25 (13) are to be extracted at the same time. The flap will not be sufficient to cover the Bond Apatite, so Augma Shield™ was used…

Multiple extractions, cyst removal and the reconstruction of maxillary bone defects. Rehabilitation with a temporary removable prosthesis, and 6 months post-op the final skeletal prosthesis is placed.

A large periapical lesion involving teeth #22 (10) and #23 (11). Cyst enucleation and apicoectomy were performed. Two year post-op photos show the entire defect filled with true bone.

Implant placement in maxillary. The remaining teeth of the mandible are extracted, followed by ridge preservation and immediate implant placement.

The patient presented with difficulties in chewing and problems with self esteem. She no longer wanted to use a removable prosthesis and had severe maxillar atrophy.

Periapical lesion and root resorption are demonstrated around the tooth #23 (#11). The tooth underwent repeated root canal treatment by endodontist and courses of antibiotics without improvements.

Quad -Zygoma using Extra Maxillary Approach in conjunction to Bond Apatite®, reducing trauma and avoiding complications on Full Arch clinical cases.

The patient presents with a fistula on apical part of tooth #22 (10). The patient complained of pain in the area. The radiographic examination showed an apical lesion on the…