The patient is a 35-year-old, healthy female. The small cyst was discovered after the patient had experienced occasional pain and discomfort in the period 3 months prior. Endo treatment was…

The plan involves the placement of 2 pterygoid implants, 4 zygomatic and one anterior implant in the remaining bone. Bond Appetite® filling the bone defects, for enlarging the bone width…

In the case the patient presents with failing centrals, massive cysts and a high smile line. No papillary incisions were done so as to avoid scarring in the smile line.…

In this case the patient was gluing in her teeth and wanted a new smile. She had massive cysts and minimal bone. With the help of Augma Bond Apatite® we…

The patient is a healthy, 61-year-old woman who attended the consultation complaining about the lack of aesthetics of her smile and difficulties in chewing properly. The patient had only 6 maxillary…

Here is a case where a patient was missing anterior maxillary teeth and had minimal posterior bone. We were able to place implants anteriorly in the Palatal position and in…

33-year-old male, otherwise healthy, heavy smoker. He was referred due to multiple cysts in the maxilla and mandible. Under general anesthesia: the patient underwent multiple extractions, cyst enucleations and bone…

Tooth #22 (10) is missing. Teeth #23 (11) & #24 (12) present with untreatable pockets and bone loss.

There were long standing carries in the upper left canine, so it was decided not to proceed with a socket shield. The decay extended subgingival and drilling was done at…

The patient is a 66 year old, healthy, non-smoking female. Edentulous atrophic maxilla, in the lower jaw, atrophied bone on the right and lost tooth #44 (28) with a fractured…