Unerupted tooth #13 (6) was preserved and deciduous #53 (C) was extracted. GBR with Bond Apatite® was done. An implant was placed 4 months post-op, during which time a temporary…

The patient came for implants in the right and left central incisors. Upon opening a defect was discovered. Implants were placed and augmentation was done with Bond Apatite®

Implant placement in maxillary. The remaining teeth of the mandible are extracted, followed by ridge preservation and immediate implant placement.

The patient is a 70 year old male with a bridge from #45 (29) - #47 (31) that is mobile and causing pain.

The patient was referred by his treating dentist following repeat acute phases. The decision to extract is done with antibiotics and corticosteroid coverage. GBR will be performed during the surgical…

The patient presented with vertical movement of the 1st quadrant bridge, difficulties in chewing and extreme tooth wear and nerve exposure. Treatment planning involved the extraction of all mandible and…

The patient returned for an unscrewing of the crown of #37 (18), which induced an occlusal trauma. This ultimately led to peri-implantitis trauma.

Quad -Zygoma using Extra Maxillary Approach in conjunction to Bond Apatite®, reducing trauma and avoiding complications on Full Arch clinical cases.

The patient presented with difficulties chewing and a poor aesthetic. They had 6 remaining teeth in the mandible and wanted a fixed prosthesis. The treatment plan included multiple extractions and…

The patient is a 62 year old male with advanced periodontal disease, mobility grade II, missing teeth and compromised function and esthetic. Augmentation and immediate placement of trefoil implants.