Augma Biomaterials

Mobile Right Maxillary Canine Extraction GBR | VIDEO

In this video the right maxillary canine is extracted and Biphasic Calcium Sulfate is used for socket preservation. A collagen sponge is used to cover the graft during healing, and…

Vertical Sinus Lift | VIDEO

A closed sinus lift in the upper right molars. Featuring immediate implant placement and augmentation using Bond Apatite.

Failing first molar, immediate extraction and implant placement

Failing first molar, immediate extraction and implant placement. Flap stretch to achieve primary closure. Graft with Bond Apatite.

Augma Bond Apatite® Intro Course – 0.5 CE

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Augma Bond Apatite® Intro Course

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Sinus Floor Reconstruction Lateral Sinus Lift | VIDEO

Extractions and Sinus Floor Reconstruction. A collagen plug is used to isolate the sinus when the sinus floor is perforated. Bond Apatite is then used to reconstruct the sinus floor…

Endodontically Treated Lower Right First Molar

The lower right first molar was atraumatically extracted without any lingual or buccal flap. Immediate implant was placed with >50 N/Cm torque.

Socket Preservation and Intra Crestal Sinus Lift

presented with diffuse palatal swelling and mild pain in the upper left first molar. The tooth was sectioned and removed without any palatal or buccal flap. Augma was placed with…

Lateral Augmentation – 2 mm ridge

Patient in her sixties come for implant treatment in the maxilla on the right side. The ridge was very thin, about 2 mm. A lateral augmentation to thicken the ridge…

Mobility of Old Bridges in the Anterior Maxillary

A patient came to the office complaining of the mobility of the old bridges, located in the anterior maxillary segment. With Bond Apatite we were able to fill gaps and…

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