The right lateral incisor was broken during a meal. There is a false post, difficult to remove, inside the root canal and there seems to be a cyst at the…
The patient is a healthy, 67 year old female who presented with a root fracture of tooth #13 (6). The patient complained of dissatisfaction with the color of the tooth,…
The patient is a 56 year old female, healthy & nonsmoking. Presented with a mobile bridge in her upper front left region. The distal abutment of the bridge was a…
Removal of the old bridge over implants #45 (29)/#47 (31), flap opening, removal of granulation tissue, cleaning and disinfection of the implant surface. The extraction of #44 (28) with immediate…
A healthy 36 year old woman comes to the clinic with pain and swelling in the area of the inferior left molars. In the intraoral observation, a vestibular fistula was…
The patient is a healthy, 50 year old male. They presented with a cyst and fistula on the mandible, 2nd left premolar. There was large bone loss which included most…
a case of severe bone loss around failed implants, that served for about 15 years and were recently grouped together with a metal bar in order to support an upper…
The patient had no maxillary teeth and very few teeth left in the mandible. The patient also had a large periodontal lesion on tooth #48 (32). The patient had a…
The patient presented with a failed bridge, and has a history of IV bisphosphonate and extractions were completed without flaps. Socket grafting and immediate implants were placed, and the socket…
In this case there was a vertical fracture and a fistula. Extraction and immediate implant with 3D Bond.