Augma Biomaterials

Immediate Loading in an Atrophied Maxilla

The plan involves the placement of 2 pterygoid implants, 4 zygomatic and one anterior implant in the remaining bone. Bond Appetite® filling the bone defects, for enlarging the bone width…

Immediate Implants of the 2 Upper Central Incisors with Immediate Load

The treatment plan includes the extraction of both teeth, the immediate placement of 2 implants using a surgical guide for the start drill, and an alveolar bone graft. Immediate loading…

1 Product, 2 Solutions – A New Perspective

The patient is a 40 year old, non-smoking female. She wanted a fast and aesthetic solution for tooth #14 (5). The treatment plan is a single surgery with an immediate…

Right Max Lateral PET, Augma and Implant

The patient presented with a broken, right, maxillary lateral. The treatment plan included socket shield, augmentation with Bond Apatite® and immediate implant. The patient is aware of other issues but…

Immediate Implant of the Left Central Incisor Using the PET Technique & Immediate Loading

Partial extraction of the tooth #21 (9) maintaining the cervical/vestibular zone of the root (PET Technique) with removal of the apical cyst followed by the placement of an immediate implant,…

Extraction, Augma and Implants

A new pilot osteotomy was started in a more palatal direction. Once there was no more buccal dentin, there is a switch to Osseo densification mode to avoid buccal plate…

Mandible Full Arch Rehabilitation with an Immediate All-on-5 and Immediate Load

She had an old mandibular removable partial prothesis and 8 remaining teeth, most of them with big unesthetic reconstructions and a type III occlusion positioning. The patient also wanted a…

The Impossible Case: No Bone, No Tissue, No Bite

In this case the patient was gluing in her teeth and wanted a new smile. She had massive cysts and minimal bone. With the help of Augma Bond Apatite® we…

Full Arch Rehabilitation of the Maxilla with an Immediate All-on-4

The patient is a healthy, 61-year-old woman who attended the consultation complaining about the lack of aesthetics of her smile and difficulties in chewing properly. The patient had only 6 maxillary…

The Combination Syndrome

Here is a case where a patient was missing anterior maxillary teeth and had minimal posterior bone. We were able to place implants anteriorly in the Palatal position and in…

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