Congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors, and deficient buccal width of alveolar bone in edentulous areas. Simultaneous graft and implant placement.

A patient came for implant placement in #14 (5) and #16 (3). An implant in # 14 (5) can be placed easily, but a sinus lift must be performed in…

The patient is a 50 year old male with periodontitis and mandibular teeth in poor condition. The patient has difficulty chewing and a poor aesthetic.

A bridge in the lower left molars and premolars is replaced with 4 implants. During the uncovery Biphasic Calcium Sulfate is used to aid in soft tissue growth.

Radiographic image with absence of #14 (5) - #17 (2), and insufficient bone height for implant placement. A sinus lift should be performed. The presence of 3 mm height, from…

The patient was referred for an implant after the extraction of tooth #12 (7). According to the CBCT, their was insufficient bone volume due to a bone defect and a…

In this video Bond Apatite is used to fill a defect in the area of the lower, right incisor with a missing buccal plate. Four months post-op an implant is…

In this video see the extraction of the upper, left incisor with immediate implant placement and grafting with Bond Apatite.

The cyst appeared 8 months after good endodontic treatment. We did a root resection of tooth #22 (10), followed by a cyst enucleation with histopathology examination. The bone defect was…

In this video see the implant placement in the area of the maxillary incisors, and lateral augmentation using the tunneling technique.