A large cyst is removed from the aesthetic zone, and the gap is filled with Bond Apatite.

Periapical lesion and root resorption are demonstrated around the tooth #23 (#11). The tooth underwent repeated root canal treatment by endodontist and courses of antibiotics without improvements.

An 82 year old woman presented with swelling and pain on the left side of the cheek and lip, and Vincent symptom. The cyst was removed, and the defect filled…

The patient presents with a fistula on apical part of tooth #22 (10). The patient complained of pain in the area. The radiographic examination showed an apical lesion on the…

The patient presents with a symptomatic cyst with an active fistula on the area of #21 (9) & #22 (10) and an absence of tooth #24 (12) with major bone…

Extraction and cyst enucleation in the upper incisors. Socket preservation and the filling of the defect are completed with Bond Apatite.

We made a root resection of tooth #35 (20) with back-fill with the MTA, cyst enucleation (confirmed with histopathology examination). We filled the bone defect with Bond Apatite (1/2 cc).…

A revision of the lower right molar was made, the tumor was removed (highly mineralized part similar to osteoma and granulation tissue from area around). We made a root resections…

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