Augma Biomaterials

Cyst Enucleation with Bond Apatite

This case presented with a through-and-through cyst above the upper right central incisor #21 (#9). An implant is planned in the mid to long term however there was inadequate bone…

Sinus Lift with Immediate Implant Placement

The patient presented with a lack of teeth for chewing in the 2nd quadrant, a destroyed tooth #24 (12) with an apical cyst, and a lack of aesthetics when they…

Dr. Amos Yahav – It’s Hard to do Things the Easy Way

Surgical techniques using bone cements Bone cement provides the dentists with a safe and predictable material to manage and minimize potential hard and soft tissue deficiencies. The goal of this…

Dr. Jose Camelo Ferreira – Discovering the Bone Cement – A Personal Journey

  In this webinar, Dr. Ferreira shares his journey as an oral surgeon. His time as a specialist in traditional augmentation techniques, and how he adopted a new material and…

Dr. Damian Dudek – The Use of Bone Cement in The Support of Surgical Treatment of Odontogenic Cysts

The lecture presents dozens of cases of surgical treatment of small and large odontogenic cysts and similar pathologies of the jaws. In the surgical treatment, endodontic microsurgery techniques were used…

Dr. David Baranes – The Evolution of Surgical Technique in The Aesthetic Zone

The goal of this webinar is to discuss the mechanism of using Bond Apatite Bone Graft Cement based on literature and clinical experience that was accumulated since the product’s introduction into…

Dr. Robert Mogyoros – Bone Cement: From the Simple to the Complex

Description: Bone cements have rapidly gained favor in the reality of oral grafting procedures. The utility of cements as a grafting option has proven to be very versatile. We will…

Dr. Michael Katzap – Bone Graft Cement in Clinical Applications

Description:The lecture will discuss the use of Biphasic Calcium Sulfate cement in minor oral surgery and implant surgery and guided bone regeneration. Specific clinical situation and techniques will be demonstrated…

Endodontic Microsurgery of Tooth #26 (14)

The conservative endodontic treatment of the tooth #26 (14) failed. We made a root resection of this buccal mesial root of tooth #26 (14,) backfilling with MTA and cyst enucleation…

Large Cyst Enucleation, Apicoectomy with MTA Retrograde Filling and Bond Apatite®  

Male age 40, cyst in the front of the mandible, range of root #31(24) and #32(23). There was pain, swelling and active buccal fistula. Enucleation of the cyst and resection with retrograde…

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