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The patient is a healthy, 60 year old male. He presented completely asymptomatic, 25 years after apicoectomy on both #25 (13) and #26 (14). There was missing buccal plate in…

The tumor was removed with peripheral bone curettage to about 1 millimeter deep. The biological structure of the tumor was similar to spongy bone but a little harder. The bone…

The patient presented with two small cysts. Root resection was performed along with cyst enucleation . The defect was filled with Augma Bond Apatite. 2-year follow-up showed good remodeling of…

Root resection was performed on teeth #12 (7) and #22 (10). At this same time, cyst enucleation with histopathological examination confirmed radicular cysts. The bone defect was filled with Bond…

A root resection of #42 (26) was performed with backfill of the root canal with MTA. The tumor was removed with peripheral bone curettage about one millimeter deep and the…

The surgical treatment of a dentigerous cyst of the maxilla and the use of biphasic calcium sulfate (Bond Apatite®) in bone augmentation. The material was used during the treatment of…

The patient is a 76-year-old female. She complained of difficulties chewing, a lack of aesthetics and discomfort in the mandible. After the intra-oral examination and the completion of the complementary…

A distal root resection of tooth #46 (30) was performed with backfill of the root canal with the MTA and cyst enucleation (confirmed with histopathology examination). The bone defect was…

The first clinical symptom was a swollen abscess. 6 weeks after the abscess incision, we did a one step endo-surgery treatment with a root resection of tooth #13 (6), cyst…