Augma Biomaterials

About a Peri-Implantitis

The patient returned for an unscrewing of the crown of #37 (18), which induced an occlusal trauma. This ultimately led to peri-implantitis trauma.

Large Cyst Augmentation with Bond Apatite®

A large cyst is removed from the aesthetic zone, and the gap is filled with Bond Apatite.

Sinus Communication Repaired with 3D Bond® & Bond Apatite®

Extraction of a fractured and infected tooth. The sinus communication was repaired using 3D Bond, and Bond Apatite was then used for filling the bone defect.

Extraction and Augma Graft – Second Premolar Infection

In this video the second premolar is extracted and 3D Bond is used to repair a sinus communication. Socket grafting is completed with Bond Apatite, and the graft is protected…

Implant Placement with Vertical Lift Using Bond Apatite®

In this video a closed sinus lift is completed with immediate implant placement using Bond Apatite.

Lateral Augmentation Using Bond Apatite®

Lateral augmentation of the lower, right mandible. After decortication of the area augmentation is done with Augma Bond Apatite.

Maxillar Rehabilitation with Quad Zygoma Technique

The patient presented with difficulties in chewing and problems with self esteem. She no longer wanted to use a removable prosthesis and had severe maxillar atrophy.

Sinus Lift Live Surgery – 1.5 CE

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Extraction Site – Put Implants, or Not?

In bone of poor quality, increasing implant diameter may be the only way to increase tolerance to occlusal forces, improve initial stability, and provide a favorable stress distribution to the…

Peri-Radicular Cyst Treatment with Biphasic Calcium Sulfate

Periapical lesion and root resorption are demonstrated around the tooth #23 (#11). The tooth underwent repeated root canal treatment by endodontist and courses of antibiotics without improvements.

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