Augma Biomaterials

Large Cyst of the Front Right Maxilla

The patient is a 65 year old female with multiple health conditions (diabetes, post heart infarct with PCI – percutaneous coronary intervention, hypertonic pressure, atrial fibrillation including the  chronic use…

Fracture of Tooth #21 (9) and Cortical Lamina Damage

The patient is a healthy, 47-year-old man. The root of the tooth was horizontal broken because of trauma during a bicycle accident. There was no possibility of prosthetic restoration. 3…

Ossifying Fibroma of the Mandible

The patients is a 46-year-old female. In the front side of the mandible the first symptom was pain in teeth #31 (24) and #32 (23) similar to pulpitis. The X-rays…

Upper Right Canine Immediate Implant with Immediate Load

The treatment plan includes atraumatic extraction of tooth #13(6). Careful removal of all the socket granulation tissue. Placement of an immediate implant, socket bone grafting and immediate load with a…

GBR with Bond Apatite®

The patient is a 78-year-old, female, non-smoker with controlled hypertension and thyroid problems. She wanted an implant in the area of tooth #41 (25). The treatment plan included the extraction…

Bone and Keratinized Gingiva Enhancement with Augma Bone Cement and Supra Periosteal Flap

The patient is a nonsmoking, 48-year-old male. He came to the clinic for fixed oral rehabilitation on dental implants. On initial clinical consultation, the patient was diagnosed with generalized chronic…

Extraction and Cyst Enucleation – Tooth #22 (10)

The patient is a 40-year-old male, generally healthy. He complained of pain in tooth number #22 (10). The tooth showed second degree of mobility. Radiological examination showed the destruction of…

Bone Cement Protocols with Augma Shield™ Wound Dressing – 0.5 CE Credits

In this webinar, Dr. Amos Yahav provides a detailed information about Augma’s socket grafting protocols with Augma Shield™ coverage. This webinar covers multiple clinical cases while emphasizing the suturing technique…

Extraction, Augma and Implants

A new pilot osteotomy was started in a more palatal direction. Once there was no more buccal dentin, there is a switch to Osseo densification mode to avoid buccal plate…

The Cyst, The High Smile, and the Flap

In the case the patient presents with failing centrals, massive cysts and a high smile line. No papillary incisions were done so as to avoid scarring in the smile line.…

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