Augma Biomaterials

Large Cyst of the Front Maxilla

Surgery was performed with a root resection of teeth #11 (8), #21 (9), #22 (10), cyst enucleation (with histopathology examination-confirmed radicular cyst) and backfill of the root canals with MTA.…

Augma Lift™ Surgery

This video demonstrates the use of Augma Lift™ in cases with a ridge height of less than 4mm. In this surgery the osteotomy, sinus elevation and augmentation are performed.

Augmentation and Implant Placement using Augma Lift™

This video demonstrates the use of Augma Lift™ in cases of 4mm or more, where the osteotomy, sinus elevation, augmentation and implant placement are done in one surgery. 

Augma Lift™ Film

Sinus lift with immediate implant placement using Augma Lift™ and Augma Bond Apatite®.

Maxillary Rehabilitation with Immediate All-on-6

The patient is a 47-year-old healthy woman, attends the consultation with complaints about lack of aesthetics in her smile. The patient had a long history of periodontitis. Total mandible rehabilitation…

Recurrence in #12 (7) after Treatment of 2 Big Cysts

The patient is a healthy, 22-year-old female. Two huge cysts appeared in a panoramic seven years ago, both located in the front of maxillary bone. There were no clinical symptoms.…

Four Implants with Locator System

The patient is a healthy 45 year old female with complaints of halitosis and difficulty in chewing. She is embarrassed of her smile and desires a new smile and recuperation…

Immediate Rehabilitation of 3 Incisors in the Aesthetical Zone

Old, failing bridge in the area of #12 (7), #11(8) and #21(9) Movement and discomfort of the teeth supporting the bridge Suppuration and pain in the region of the superior…

Immediate Hybrid, Thin Mandible, Implants & Augma

The patient is an 89-year-old female, ASA III. She presented with an unstable lower denture and pain on mastication. She has an atrophic mandible. Part one was to place interforamina…

Apicoectomy #46 (30) on Bisphosphonates

To minimalize the risk of BRONJ (Biphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws) the patient underwent pre-op treatment. CTX blood examination was used to calculate the risk level, Amoxicillin was prescribed…

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