The tumor was removed with peripheral bone curettage to about 1 millimeter deep. The biological structure of the tumor was similar to spongy bone but a little harder. The bone…

After nine months of healing the implants were placed and simultaneously used Bond Apatite® to gain keratinized tissue around these implants.

The patient presented with two small cysts. Root resection was performed along with cyst enucleation . The defect was filled with Augma Bond Apatite. 2-year follow-up showed good remodeling of…

Root resection was performed on teeth #12 (7) and #22 (10). At this same time, cyst enucleation with histopathological examination confirmed radicular cysts. The bone defect was filled with Bond…

A root resection of #42 (26) was performed with backfill of the root canal with MTA. The tumor was removed with peripheral bone curettage about one millimeter deep and the…

The surgical treatment of a dentigerous cyst of the maxilla and the use of biphasic calcium sulfate (Bond Apatite®) in bone augmentation. The material was used during the treatment of…

Healthy female patient, 68 years old, attends the consultation with complaints of a lack of aesthetics, and pain and mobility in the 4 lower incisors. The patient wants an aesthetic,…

The patient is a healthy 62-year-old woman. She attended the consultation with complaints of pain and edema in the right, posterior maxilla. The patient complained of pain while chewing, a…

The patient is a 76-year-old female. She complained of difficulties chewing, a lack of aesthetics and discomfort in the mandible. After the intra-oral examination and the completion of the complementary…

The implant is placed 11 months after augmentation. At the time of implant placement there are no visible remaining particles of Hydroxyapatite, and the implant is placed in the patient's…