The patient fractured her left maxillary canine. Due to the crowns on the medial and large restoration on the distal, the patient initially contemplated a bridge. They refused root banking.…

In this case the patient was gluing in her teeth and wanted a new smile. She had massive cysts and minimal bone. With the help of Augma Bond Apatite® we…

The patient is a healthy, 61-year-old woman who attended the consultation complaining about the lack of aesthetics of her smile and difficulties in chewing properly. The patient had only 6 maxillary…

Root resection was completed with backfill of the root canals with MTA in teeth #32 (23), 31 (24), 41 (25), 42 (26). The tumor was removed with peripheral bone curettage…

A revision was performed on the area of #35 (20), with removal of inflammation. This was confirmed in histopathology as an inflammatory cyst found in the perforation and prepared and…

The endodontists are afraid of doing re-endo in tooth #21 (9), because the root canal was filled with phosphate endo cement. It was dangerous to go through the canal with…

Here is a case where a patient was missing anterior maxillary teeth and had minimal posterior bone. We were able to place implants anteriorly in the Palatal position and in…

Opening of a flap is done in the cervical area from tooth #33 (22) to tooth #43 (28). It encompasses the papillae, with two vertical releases distal of #33 (22)…

The patient is a healthy male, age 49 years. The tooth #46 (30) was broken after an accident with an electric bike. In addition, the patient had undergone an apicoectomy…

Patient presented with medially drifted third molar and infected left second maxillary molar. It was decided to remove the teeth and replace them with implant retained fixed bridge. Second molar…