Augma Biomaterials

Apicoectomy with Augma Bond Apatite

he patient came with a cyst in the upper, right maxilla. The cyst was removed and apicoectomy performed. The defect was filled using Augma Bond Apatite and a wound dressing…

Wisdom Teeth and Augma Bond Apatite® Case Report

Here we have three different cases of the extraction of wisdom teeth (3rd Molars) using Bond Apatite for socket grafting and GBR.

Closed Sinus Lift with Augma Bond Apatite

Patient : Male, 60 year old, non-smoker. The extractions of #13 (25) and #14 (26) were realized 5 months before, including bone preservation with Augma Bond Apatite®. The option of…

Second Molar Stabilization Following Wisdom Tooth Extraction with Augma Bond Apatite®

Socket grafting of #48 (32) with Augma Bond Apatite® (x 3) following the root treatment of #47 (31) is realized.

Immediate Posterior Implant with Bone Graft

Extraction of tooth 36 (19) with immediate implant placement and augmentation. Placement of zirconia/ceramic crown 4 months later.

Complete Oral Rehabilitation Part 2-Maxillary Augmentation

The surgical plan included the total extraction of upper and lower teeth. Five implants are placed in the lower jaw with immediate load. The correction of bone defects in the…

Bilateral Open Sinus Lift

The patient came with highly pneumatic maxillary sinuses. The treatment plan consists of a bilateral open sinus lift and bone expansion of the residual border (2 mm) with osteotomes.

Closed Vertical Sinus Lift

A patient in her fifties came for implant treatment in the left maxilla. Dr. Baranes decided to place an implant, 3.75/10 in tooth #24 (12). In #26 (14) bone width…

GBR with Augma Bond Apatite

Extraction and grafting of lower left and right molars, followed months later by open sinus lift and immediate implant.

Extreme Mandible All-on-4 with Immediate Load

An 81-year-old woman came to the consultation with complaints of mandibular pain, difficulty in chewing, bad taste and bad breath. The patient had an old mandibular treatment with infected implants…

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