The patient is a healthy, 67 year old female who presented with a root fracture of tooth #13 (6). The patient complained of dissatisfaction with the color of the tooth,…

(15). In order to avoid lateral sinus lift procedure, the ridge was first reconstructed. Three months later, a minimally invasive intra-crestal sinus lift approach with immediate implant placement was performed.

The patient is 67 years old and was referred for the treatment of a fractured tooth with radiolucency. In this case there was no buccal plate and no incisions were…

Removal of the old bridge over implants #45 (29)/#47 (31), flap opening, removal of granulation tissue, cleaning and disinfection of the implant surface. The extraction of #44 (28) with immediate…

A healthy 36 year old woman comes to the clinic with pain and swelling in the area of the inferior left molars. In the intraoral observation, a vestibular fistula was…

Extraction of hopeless premolars #24 (12) & #25 (13). The treatment plan included extraction and socket grafting, and the placement of two implants during a second stage. A closed sinus…

The patient is a healthy, 50 year old male. They presented with a cyst and fistula on the mandible, 2nd left premolar. There was large bone loss which included most…

The patient had no maxillary teeth and very few teeth left in the mandible. The patient also had a large periodontal lesion on tooth #48 (32). The patient had a…

We did an endodontic treatment of #14 (5) and a surgery. The radicular cyst was removed (with histopathology), root resection of teeth #14 (5) and #15 (4) with retrograde MTA…

Healthy male, 47 years old. The inflammatory changes (radicular cyst) are not involved after 3 months post re-endodontic treatment using microscopy. He has pain and discomfort from time to time.…