Augma Biomaterials

Socket Grafting with Flap Reflection & Bond Apatite

The patient is a 70 year old male with a bridge from #45 (29) - #47 (31) that is mobile and causing pain.

Augmentation of the Upper, Anterior Jaw

The treatment will be done in stages. First, the failing central incisors will be extracted. The narrow ridge in the area of the lateral augmentation will be prepared with decortication…

Lateral Ridge Augmentation with Augma Bond Apatite®

Examination reveals a narrow alveolar crest that will not accommodate implant placements in the molar area. It was decided to perform a ridge augmentation initially, and after a few months…

Extraction and Implant Placement: Lower Right First Molar

Healthy 44 year old female presents with constant, moderate pain on endodontically treated tooth #30 (46). Three months following endo re-treatment of MB and ML canals, the pain persisted.

Endodontic Surgery: Apicoectomy #35 (20) with Cyst Removal and Bond Apatite®

The root of #35 (20) was resected, with a backfill of the root canal with MTA. Cyst enucleation was confirmed with histopathology examination. The bone defect was filled with Bond…


This video shows cyst removal and apicoectomy with MTA. The defect was filled with Bond Apatite and the sutures are covered with a wound dressing.

Lateral Augmentation with Augma Bond Apatite®

The patient is a 70 year old female with no health problems. Tooth #34 (21) is fractured and must be extracted, and the bridge sliced. Tooth #38 (17) will be…

Experts Panel – Lateral Ridge Augmentation with Augma – 1.5 CE

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Augma Bond Apatite® Cours d’introduction

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Wisdom Teeth and Augma Bond Apatite Case Report

The patient was referred by his treating dentist following repeat acute phases. The decision to extract is done with antibiotics and corticosteroid coverage. GBR will be performed during the surgical…

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