Augma Biomaterials

Maxilla and Mandible Total Rehabilitation

The patient wants to be able to eat and laugh for the first time in many years, and to raise her self-esteem. She also wants to stop using the old,…

Horizontal Bone Construction in Upper, Lateral Incisors

e patient was an 18 year old presenting with congenital malformation of #12 (7) & #22 (10). The patient came after opening spaces with orthodontic treatment.

Ridge Reconstruction Following Implant and Teeth Removal, Using Bond Apatite®

Intra oral images showing failed bridge in an otherwise healthy 60 year old male. Referred to the surgeon due to recurrent inflammation and discomfort in the upper right maxilla. Periimplantitis…

Estonian Augma Bond Apatite® Intro Course – Luutsemendi tutvustuskursus

Tere tulemast Augma luutsemendi akadeemiasse – teid ootab toodet Bond Apatite tutvustav kursus. Kursus on jagatud osadeks. Iga osa sisaldab peatükke, mille peate lõpetama kursuse jätkamiseks ning järgmise peatüki/osa juurde…

Laser Assisted Peri-implantitis Treatment with Bond Apatite

The patient presented with vertical and lateral loss of bone. Ablation of infected tissue was completed using Erbium YSGG laser (2780nm), after which augmentation was done using Augma Bond Apatite.…

Upper Central Incisors, Augmentation & Implants

The patient presented with missing central incisors, with a large defect on the upper left central incisor, visible on smiling. The ridge was narrowed and would have given an unsatisfactory…

Root Canal & Augmentation with Bond Apatite

The patient presents with mobility and fistula on teeth #31 (24) & #41 (25) with no obvious cause other than a fall a few months earlier. A root canal treatment…

Extraction of the Central Incisor

Patient presented with suppuration, pain and mobility in tooth #11 (8). Diagnosis of untreatable periodontal lesion, patient was referred for a CT scan. Extraction of tooth #11 (8) and degranulation…

Extraction, Augma and Implants

The patient presented with an infected and fractured molar with compromised buccal plate. The extraction was done in segments. Osteotomy prep grafted with Bond Apatite®, uncover osteotomy, immediate implant placement. …

Aesthetical Zone Rehabilitation: Teeth, Bone and Soft Tissue

After performing the intra-oral evaluation/complementary exams, it was understood that the remaining teeth and root had no resistance for a new bridge, and the root of tooth #21 (9) was…

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