Placement of the #12 (7) implant with immediate load 1.5 months post-op, placement of the #11 (8) implant with immediate load (to avoid losing the papilla between the implants) 6…

The patient is a healthy 39 year old woman. The crown on tooth #16 (3) broke that day while biting bread. There was no way to rescue the tooth. She…

The patient is a healthy 62 old year female non-smoker. She presented 10 years after insertion and reconstruction of teeth #44 (28), #45 (29) & #46 (30). The X-ray shows…

Extraction using a magnetic mallet to avoid the distal implant with flap elevation. Prep at the palatal socket relying on the interradicular bone. Augma Bond Apatite® was placed first and…

Following the 2nd International Symposium, we had the greatest pleasure to host Dr. Jose Camelo Ferreira in The Bone Cement Podcast. Dr. Ferreira shares the mindset that led him to…

Replace missing teeth #26 (14) & #27 (15). An open sinus lift using the lateral window approach was performed, using Augma Bond Apatite®. Implants are placed 5 month post-op with…

The patient is a 66 year old, healthy, non-smoking female. Edentulous atrophic maxilla, in the lower jaw, atrophied bone on the right and lost tooth #44 (28) with a fractured…

Referred by endodontic due to dental lesions on teeth #11 (8), #21 (9) and #22(10). The lesions, were with buccal and platinum rupture. Displacement of the teeth and removal of…

ontogenic cysts using a biphasic calcium sulfate composite bone graft.

The patient is a healthy 56 year old male. He presented with teeth #11 (8) and #21 (9) root canaled, with bone resorption and fistulas. Treatment planning included a first…