This live surgery video includes extractions, immediate implant placement, augmentation and a bilateral sinus lift with with Bond Apatite®. The Augma Shield™ is placed above the sutures to improve healing.

The lower left canine is both infected and fractured. Grafting was with autogenous bone and Augma Bond Apatite®. Due to uneven socket wall levels for the canine, and implant was…

The patient is a healthy 52 year old female. She attends the consultation with the absence of the lower back teeth. In addition, she has a single second left pre-molar…

Advanced caries with heavy damage to the #43 (27) and horizontal mobility throughout the sector. Extraction of all the teeth from the 5th sextant, immediate placement of 2 implants without…

The patient is a healthy, 45 year old female. The mandibular periodontitis was treated but with high root exposure and dental mobility, and the patient is ashamed to smile. The…

Medical Background: Breast cancer (30 months ago) Chemotherapy (with bisphosphonates) Radiation Dental Background: Severe pain and decay in tooth 18 (#8), which caused an infection of the Schneider’s membrane. Because of…

The patient is a 35 year old female, non-smoker and generally healthy. She came to my clinic with an aesthetical problem with the crown on the implant in positioning #44…

The crowns of the teeth were destroyed below the bone level and any type of reconstruction was impossible. Treatment planning includes extraction and socket grafting with Bond Apatite®. Insertion of…

The first symptom was pain similar to pulpitis in teeth #41 (25), #42 (26) and #43 (27). After endodontic treatment, the X-rays and CBCT showed a focus of necrotizes with…

The patient was 35 years old and came to the clinic for emergency treatment of tooth #21 (9). The tooth was fractured, mobile and infected. After examination we decided to…