Augma Biomaterials

Augmentation in the Aesthetic Zone

The patient presents with a fractured lateral incisor. Atraumatic extraction is performed and Bond Apatite® is placed in the defect. Augma Shield™ covers the graft, held in place with a…

Apicoectomy #15 (4) with 5 Year Follow Up

The patient is a healthy, 65-year-old male. The first symptom was pain in right maxilla. The bridge is taken out and an endodontic procedure is performed very well. The inflammation…

Augmentation in the Aesthetic Zone

With bone reconstructions and immediate load using Bond Apatite® The patient is a healthy, 42-year-old male. He attended the consultation with a traumatic loss of tooth #21 (9). The patient…

Asymmetric Anterior Maxilla Recontouring with Augma Bond Apatite®

Achieving long-term aesthetic success by replacing missing frontal teeth with dental implants is challenging for most clinicians. Predictable results can be achieved with adequate diagnosis, correct surgical technique and prosthodontics.…

Lateral Ridge Augmentation of a Thin Mandible

The patient is a 70 year old, non smoking female. The edentulous area has a very thin lateral ridge. Decortication and augmentation were performed and the sutures were covered with…

Bilateral Sinus Lift with Augma Bond Apatite®

The patient is a 69-year-old female that does not have bone in the posterior region. She has a removable chrome cobalt prothesis that she cannot get used to. The patient…

Fracture of Tooth #21 (9) and Cortical Lamina Damage

The patient is a healthy, 47-year-old man. The root of the tooth was horizontal broken because of trauma during a bicycle accident. There was no possibility of prosthetic restoration. 3…

Ridge Preservation and Immediate Implant Placement, using Bond Apatite® and Augma Shield™ in the Maxilla

Multiple teeth are extracted and implants are placed immediately. Bond Apatite® is placed above the implants and the flap is closed with tension. Augma Shield™ is placed above and sutured…

Maxillary Rehabilitation with Immediate All-on-4

The patient is a healthy 46-year-old woman. She attended the consultation with pain and a fistula on the first right incisor. She also complained about her smile aesthetics. She wanted…

Bimaxillary All-on-X Surgery with Augma Bond Apatite®

Case Description: The patient is a 54-year-old female. She is a  heavy smoker with severe periodontal disease and needs full upper and lower rehabilitation with dental implants. Treatment Planning: CBCT,…

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