Achieving long-term aesthetic success by replacing missing frontal teeth with dental implants is challenging for most clinicians. Predictable results can be achieved with adequate diagnosis, correct surgical technique and prosthodontics.…

The patient is a healthy 46-year-old woman. She attended the consultation with pain and a fistula on the first right incisor. She also complained about her smile aesthetics. She wanted…

Patient: Male, 70 year old, non smoker Treatment plan: Extraction of teeth #6 (13), #7 (12), #8 (11); immediate implant placement and grafting with Bond Apatite®

The patient is a healthy, 59-year-old female. She presented with complaints of halitosis, difficulty chewing and embarrassment with her smile. The patient desires a new smile, to close the gap…

Surgery was performed with a root resection of teeth #11 (8), #21 (9), #22 (10), cyst enucleation (with histopathology examination-confirmed radicular cyst) and backfill of the root canals with MTA.…

The patient is a 47-year-old healthy woman, attends the consultation with complaints about lack of aesthetics in her smile. The patient had a long history of periodontitis. Total mandible rehabilitation…

The patient is a healthy, 22-year-old female. Two huge cysts appeared in a panoramic seven years ago, both located in the front of maxillary bone. There were no clinical symptoms.…

The patient is a healthy 45 year old female with complaints of halitosis and difficulty in chewing. She is embarrassed of her smile and desires a new smile and recuperation…

Old, failing bridge in the area of #12 (7), #11(8) and #21(9) Movement and discomfort of the teeth supporting the bridge Suppuration and pain in the region of the superior…

In this live surgery, Dr. Jose Camelo Ferreira performs a lateral ridge augmentation that is as less traumatic as possible in the fifth sextant of the mandible to able us to…