The patient is a healthy, 59-year-old female. She presented with complaints of halitosis, difficulty chewing and embarrassment with her smile. The patient desires a new smile, to close the gap…

The patient is a 52-year-old female. She presents as an emergency to the clinic due to a chipped crown. Exam reveals the tooth is not restorable. Patient elected to replace…

The patient is an 89-year-old female, ASA III. She presented with an unstable lower denture and pain on mastication. She has an atrophic mandible. Part one was to place interforamina…

She had an old mandibular removable partial prothesis and 8 remaining teeth, most of them with big unesthetic reconstructions and a type III occlusion positioning. The patient also wanted a…

In this case the patient was gluing in her teeth and wanted a new smile. She had massive cysts and minimal bone. With the help of Augma Bond Apatite® we…

Root resection was performed on both roots of tooth #36 (19), with cyst enucleation (including a histopathology examination) and back fill of all the root canals with MTA. The bone…

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The patient is a healthy, 48-year-old male. He came to the clinic with pain in the posterior, left area of the mandible. After clinical evaluation, abundant suppuration was observed along…

The patient presented with fractured implants. Explanted and GBR with Augma. Four months later implants are placed with autogenous bone regenerated by Augma was harvested during osteotomy and used as…