There were long standing carries in the upper left canine, so it was decided not to proceed with a socket shield. The decay extended subgingival and drilling was done at…

In this case Bond Apatite is used for socket grafting after extraction, and lateral augmentation. The socket is covered with the Augma Shield to protect the material during the initial…

The patient is a healthy, 67 year old female who presented with a root fracture of tooth #13 (6). The patient complained of dissatisfaction with the color of the tooth,…

A healthy 36 year old woman comes to the clinic with pain and swelling in the area of the inferior left molars. In the intraoral observation, a vestibular fistula was…

The patient is a healthy, 50 year old male. They presented with a cyst and fistula on the mandible, 2nd left premolar. There was large bone loss which included most…

50 year old female , non smoking, with a minor heart condition. The patient came with mobile bridge over fractured tooth #46 (30), missing tooth #47 (31), tooth #44 (28)…

Patient presented with suppuration, pain and mobility in tooth #11 (8). Diagnosis of untreatable periodontal lesion, patient was referred for a CT scan. Extraction of tooth #11 (8) and degranulation…

After performing the intra-oral evaluation/complementary exams, it was understood that the remaining teeth and root had no resistance for a new bridge, and the root of tooth #21 (9) was…

The patient is a female, 60 year old, non-smoker. She presented with loss of the lateral plate following an infection on root fracture #25 (13). Implant placement occurs 5 months…

he patient came with a cyst in the upper, right maxilla. The cyst was removed and apicoectomy performed. The defect was filled using Augma Bond Apatite and a wound dressing…