Augma Biomaterials

Management of Congenitally Missing Laterals with Extremely Narrow Ridges

Congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors, and deficient buccal width of alveolar bone in edentulous areas. Simultaneous graft and implant placement.

Closed Sinus Lift with Immediate Placement

A patient came for implant placement in #14 (5) and #16 (3). An implant in # 14 (5) can be placed easily, but a sinus lift must be performed in…

Two Stage Mandible Rehabilitation

The patient is a 50 year old male with periodontitis and mandibular teeth in poor condition. The patient has difficulty chewing and a poor aesthetic.

Replacing Lower Left Bridge

A bridge in the lower left molars and premolars is replaced with 4 implants. During the uncovery Biphasic Calcium Sulfate is used to aid in soft tissue growth.

Open Sinus Lift #14 (5) – #17 (2)

Radiographic image with absence of #14 (5) - #17 (2), and insufficient bone height for implant placement. A sinus lift should be performed. The presence of 3 mm height, from…

Bond Apatite® Graft and Immediate Placement

In this video see the extraction of the upper, left incisor with immediate implant placement and grafting with Bond Apatite.

Replacement of Missing Maxillary Lateral Incisors and Lateral Augmentation with Bond Apatite®

In this video see the implant placement in the area of the maxillary incisors, and lateral augmentation using the tunneling technique.

Implant Placement with Vertical Lift Using Bond Apatite®

In this video a closed sinus lift is completed with immediate implant placement using Bond Apatite.

Extraction Site – Put Implants, or Not?

In bone of poor quality, increasing implant diameter may be the only way to increase tolerance to occlusal forces, improve initial stability, and provide a favorable stress distribution to the…

Zygomatic Implants & Bond Apatite Grafting

Quad -Zygoma using Extra Maxillary Approach in conjunction to Bond Apatite®, reducing trauma and avoiding complications on Full Arch clinical cases.

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