The patient is a 65 year old female with multiple health conditions (diabetes, post heart infarct with PCI – percutaneous coronary intervention, hypertonic pressure, atrial fibrillation including the chronic use…

The patient is a healthy, 65-year-old male. The first symptom was pain in right maxilla. The bridge is taken out and an endodontic procedure is performed very well. The inflammation…

Achieving long-term aesthetic success by replacing missing frontal teeth with dental implants is challenging for most clinicians. Predictable results can be achieved with adequate diagnosis, correct surgical technique and prosthodontics.…

The patient is a 78-year-old, female, non-smoker with controlled hypertension and thyroid problems. She wanted an implant in the area of tooth #41 (25). The treatment plan included the extraction…

She underwent prolonged periodontal treatment to manage her aggressive periodontal disease. Despite efforts, teeth #33 (22)- #43 (27) have been deemed hopeless due to extensive bone loss. The goal of…

The patient is a healthy, 22-year-old female. Two huge cysts appeared in a panoramic seven years ago, both located in the front of maxillary bone. There were no clinical symptoms.…

The patient is an 89-year-old female, ASA III. She presented with an unstable lower denture and pain on mastication. She has an atrophic mandible. Part one was to place interforamina…

The patient is a nonsmoking, 48-year-old male. He came to the clinic for fixed oral rehabilitation on dental implants. On initial clinical consultation, the patient was diagnosed with generalized chronic…

The plan involves the placement of 2 pterygoid implants, 4 zygomatic and one anterior implant in the remaining bone. Bond Appetite® filling the bone defects, for enlarging the bone width…

The endodontists are afraid of doing re-endo in tooth #21 (9), because the root canal was filled with phosphate endo cement. It was dangerous to go through the canal with…