Bone Cement Expert | David Baranes

Dr. David Baranès graduated from the Doctorate program in Dental Surgery at the University of Paris 7 in 1987, then completed C.E.S biomaterials applied to dentistry, before obtaining a C.E.S in Periodontology at the University of Paris 7. In 1989 Dr. Baranès successfully completed a post-graduate course in implantology (A.U.I) at the Paris 7 Faculty. Since 1991, Dr. Baranès has been working exclusively in periodontal and basal implantology in Jerusalem and Netanya. In 2013, Dr. Baranès obtained his Fellowship status and in 2012 his Diplomat status with the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. As an international lecturer, Dr. Baranès specializes in, and teaches, the clinical use of bone cement for bone regeneration.

On-Demand Content

Dr. David Baranes – The Evolution of Surgical Technique in The Aesthetic Zone – 1CE
July 9, 2020