The patient is a 46-year-old female who came to the clinic for rehabilitation of the lower jaw. The initial consultation revealed generalized chronic periodontitis which led to the loss of posterior teeth 36 (19), 37 (18), 45 (29), 46 (30) & 47 (31) , loss of tooth 35 (20) due to decay, and the presence of wisdom teeth 38 (17) and 48 (32).
The treatment plan began with Er-Yag laser assisted treatment of chronic periodontitis with the extraction of teeth 35 (20), 38 (17) and 48 (32) to stabilize the disease. This will avoid the inflammation of gingiva which can inhibit bone regeneration and lead to unpredictable gingival healing.
Two months after the laser treatment implants were placed at 34 (21), 35 (20), 36 (19), 45 (29), 46 (30) & 47 (31). Alveolar regeneration is performed with Bond Apatite® to increase bone width.
4-month post-op images confirm very good alveolar bone regeneration around the implants.