The patient is a healthy 39-year-old female. She attended the consultation because of the 2 upper central incisors. The patient did not like the aesthetics of her smile, she thought that her teeth were increasingly extruded and could not eat with them because they had high mobility and caused pain. In the oral examination, the marked mobility of the two teeth was confirmed, even though they were already ferulised. Their extrusion and vestibularization was verified. The teeth also had incisal fractures. In the complementary examinations, a root fracture was observed in tooth #11 (23) with loss of almost the entire palatine bone plate and a marked loss of periodontal bone support in both teeth. The 2 teeth were lost.
The treatment plan includes the extraction of both teeth, the immediate placement of 2 implants using a surgical guide for the start drill, and an alveolar bone graft. Immediate loading will also be made using two temporary crowns joined together made according to planning. 6 months later the definitive crowns were made.