Case Description
A 57 year-old non-smoker patient and healthy patient. He came to consult for pain on #11 (8). The x-ray did not provide any convincing but the clinical examination made us think of a root fracture.
Ignoring bone damage, I performed a large full thickness flap and realized a bone filling with biphasic calcium sulfate (Augma Bond Apatite), hoping to limit the loss of width following a traumatic extraction. A collagen sponge was used to cover the graft. A flipper (with no pressure) was used as temporary solution. The patient came back for implant placement after 16 months.
The graft material was replaced by a true new bone and the width, as well as the height of the ridge, have been preserved during this time.
It was a pleasant surprise to work in a D2 bone whose volume has been preserved after that long period.